Success Academy

I think therefore I am

“I think therefore I am” René Descartes (French philosopher, mathematician, and writer 1596 – 1650) We are always thinking, we can’t stop ourselves, and according to the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro Imaging the
by Clara Noble
Success Academy

Why Snuggle?

I could not resist blogging on this subject! I must warn you that I have no scientific background and that this post was done based on Internet research that fascinated me
by Clara Noble
Success Academy

Dressed for Success

In order to achieve success your attitude and your state of mind are extremely important. If you don't believe you will succeed you increase the probability of failure. ‘Our limitations and success
by Clara Noble
Success Academy

Valentine’s Day

Are you a romantic person? What does Valentine’s day mean to you? Saint Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day) is celebrated on February 14th each year. St. Valentine's Day began as a liturgical celebration
by Clara Noble
Success Academy

Rear View Mirror

W.Edwards Deming said "Managing a company by looking at financial data is the equivalent of driving a car by looking in the rear-view mirror." Financial data is basically ‘historical data’. The Profit
by Clara Noble