The school system has not adjusted to the new paradigms of modern economy and society.
Most Schools are still focused in passing on knowledge, on ‘shaping children’s minds’ by giving them answers instead of stimulating them to ask questions.
Most Schools are still preparing their students to be ‘employees’ working for companies that operate in an economy they don’t have a clue what it will look like in 5 or 10 years’ time!

In today’s world Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is as important as IQ (if not more).
It is not about how intelligent you are but how you use the intelligence you have to get the results you want in the ‘real world’.

If Schools don’t foster experiential learning and engage children in analytic reasoning and critical thinking, they are failing their mission to prepare them for the future.
If Schools don’t show a positive attitude towards independence, risk-taking and learning from failure they are killing creativity because if children who grow up being afraid of being wrong they will never be original.

Children who don’t develop communication skills, flexibility, who don’t learn to understand and deal with their own emotions and those of others, will not be able to master their destiny and be happy.


We must all take responsibility for our lives and create our own master plan.
True entrepreneurship is an attitude – it’s the ‘Me Inc – the adrenaline that comes from trusting yourself and your ability to respond to any challenges that come your way.

If we have a job, we will be working ‘with’ a company instead of ‘for’ a company. We will buy into the company mission and values but regard it as a win-win arrangement, not an obligation. Therefore we will be able to keep our freedom and the objectivity to realize when the situation no longer serves our life purpose.

If we start our own business, we must be flexible and unconventional in our way of thinking. We must plan and work the plan but be prepared to course correct every step of the way to keep true to our values and our vision.

Today’s world needs leaders with an entrepreneurial mind. Leaders who inspire others to pursue their dreams, with a positive attitude and the belief that as a team they accomplish goals they could not have reached on their own. Leaders who are competitive but also socially responsible looking beyond short term profit into a sustainable way of life building a legacy to their children.

    1 Response to "Me Inc"

    • Ayesh

      My son Nicholas and I were just wondering how it was going and hponig all is well with you. I’m sure it’s not easy, but nothing worth doing, ever is! We hope it’s going great!The Yeaws

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